Who we are
FOSS Responders is a working group of volunteers from various organizations. Our purpose is to provide a crowd-sourcing approach to help those in the open source community affected by COVID-19, especially in the face of event cancellations.

Duane O'Brien
Head of Open Source at Indeed
FOSS Responders committees:
Facilitation, Fundraising, Communications.
Duane O’Brien is the Head of Open Source at Indeed.com. He is passionate about helping companies responsibly participate in the open source community. He is the creator of the FOSS Contributor Fund, which enables open source contributors to direct financial support to free and open source software.

Eriol Fox
Designer at Third Sector Design and Open Source Design
FOSS Responders committees:
Website, Content, FAQs, Community.
Eriol is a designer with 10+ years experience in companies and NGO's and has worked internationally on some of the toughest humanitarian problems including Crisis Response, Peace-building, Democracy and Human Rights. Dedicated to Open Source and Free software they are pushing for better design representation and involvement in OSS.

Allen Gunn
Exective Director at Aspiration Tech
FOSS Responders committees:
Facilitation, Events.
Allen Gunn is Executive Director of Aspiration (www.aspirationtech.org) in San Francisco, USA, and works to help NGOs, activists, foundations and open source projects make more effective use of technology in social justice efforts.

Rachel Lawson
Community Liaison at Drupal Association
FOSS Responders committees:
I have been a contributor to the Drupal project for nearly fourteen years and recently became Community Liaison for the Drupal Association. Mostly, though, I can be found travelling around as much of the world as I can on my motorbike.

Richard Littauer
Founder at Maintainer Mountaineer
FOSS Responders committees:
Website, Communications.
Richard runs a small consultancy, Maintainer.io, to help open source projects thrive. He lives in Vermont.

Scott Moore
Developer Relations at Gitcoin (not a coin) / Codefund / Open Source Collective
FOSS Responders committees:
Applications, Outreach, Fundraising.
Scott leads developer relations at Gitcoin (Codefund), a platform for building and sustaining open source communities. He also serves on the grants committee for the Ethereum Foundation, and, through Codefund, assists with Open Source Collective initiatives. When he's not working he spends time making pixel art and playing piano.

Dan Shaw
FOSS Responders committees:
Dan Shaw, aka dshaw, is known as The Godfather of Node.js. Dan is former Global Head of Developer Relations of PayPal. Before that Dan spent the better part of the past decade commercializing Node.js, creating the first Node.js consulting company, then founding NodeSource. Always bet on Node.js ✨

Alyssa Wright
Director of Community at Open Source Collective
FOSS Responders committees:
Events, Communications, Fundraising, Applications.
Alyssa is Director of Community at Open Collective where she moves purposely and fixes things, not moves fast and breaks things. Previously, Alyssa worked on impact technologies at the World Bank, Bloomberg Philanthropies, and Samsung Next. For the past 5 years, Alyssa has served on the board of OpenStreetMap US.

Alison Yu
Open Source Community Manager at Indeed
FOSS Responders committees:
Communications, Events.
Alison is the Open Source Community Manager at Indeed and co-founder of the Open Source Community Managers group. Prior to joining Indeed, Alison led global social media at Cloudera, Informatica, and SunPower. She also led Cloudera Cares, Cloudera's philanthropic arm. Alison holds a B.A. in Communication from the University of California, Davis.

Georgia Bullen
Executive Director
Simply Secure
Design, Events.

Josh Simmons
President / Foss Strategist
Open Source Initiative and Salesforce

Ewa Jodlowska
Executive Director
Python Software Foundation

Devon Zuegel
Product Manager


Ruth Suehle
Red Hat

Megan Byrd-Sanicki
Open Source Strategist